Rip Curl 3/2 Flashbomb Fusion Zip Free Våtdrakt
Farge: Svart
Inngang: Zip free
Stay warmer for longer in our revolutionary wetsuit that stays leak-free, for the life of the suit. The Rip Curl FlashBomb Fusion wetsuit with Fusion Dry Seam Technology features the most technically advanced seam construction we have ever created to create a stronger seal without the need for stitching that can lead to water seepage over time (96% stitch free construction). Built using 100% E7 Flash Lining, it’s the ultimate balance of flexibility, warmth and durability. Experience over 50 years of innovation fused into one wetsuit. No stitch = no leak = no problem.
● Fusion Dry Seam Technology with seams that don't leak
● 100% E7 Flash Lining for flexible warmth
● E7 Flash Lining tape for extra seal protection
● Zip free entry system for flexibility and comfort
● Sealed cuffs to stop flushing
● Single seam crutch for comfort
● Ergonomic design for a better fit
● Internal key pocket to keep things safe
● Durable rolled collar for long-lasting comfort

Rip Curl
Rip Curl er en designer, produsent og forhandler av våtdrakter og surf klær og tilhørende produkter, og en stor proffsurfer sponsor. Rip Curl har blitt et av de største surfeselskapene i Australia, Europa, Sør-Amerika, Nord-Amerika og Sør-Afrika. Rip Curl lager noen av de aller beste våtdraktene i verden.