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Se nydelig film av Jeff Roussel som surfer en 9'6 Christenson Bandito fra Surfshop.no i Sørvest Frankrike

Jeff Roussel aka @beachdayno har vært en tur i Sørvest Frankrike med venner og fotografer. Med seg hadde han en Christenson surfboards 9'6 Bandito som var en custom fra Surfshop.no og resultatet ble den lekre filmen du kan se under.

For de som ikke kjenner til Jeff fra før har han vokst opp med å surfe ikoniske bølger i California. Den karakteristiske longboard stilen hans kan nytes jevnlig om man besøker Stadlandet, der han nå har vært bosatt i mange år.


Surfer: Jeff Roussel @beachdayno, Film/edit: Naomi Dalsbø @volomii, Musikk: Evig Ferie @evigferie

Her er turen kjapt oppsummert med Jeffs egne ord:

We travelled to south west France with friends and photographers for a 10 day trip escaping the cold rain and chasing the quality waves that area has on offer. 

We arrived the day that Jeremy Flores Quiksilver Festival got wrapped up and were based in the same area. The waves were pumping and Hossegor/Seignosse were packed with good surfers. Our plan was to switch off between hollow sand bottom beachies straight out front our chalet and the missions south towards biarritz area to longboard the mushy pointbreaks.

Our trip started pretty rough as none of our luggage made it when we got off the plane in Biarritz. It was 30 degrees in the air and around 20 in the water. Our luggage was expected to arrive promptly, so we didn't bother buying essential items like towels and shampoo. The result? We showered without towels, and wore the same greasy clothes for days. 

Once we realised we couldn’t continue living like that, we all got the OK from our insurance companies and opted for a few days of shopping since Hossegor has a fun variety of surf specific retailers like Wasted Talent. I highly recommend putting aside a little budget for shopping if visiting that area. Our luggage including boards finally came at the end of our 3rd day.

I rode a 9´6 Christenson Bandito for a majority of the trip. Riding a longboard takes up a lot of space in a lineup so while we were in Hossegor/Seignosse I was breaking away from the crowd, paddling north up the beach to find my own peak and surf alone. The Bandito is a full volume log. Combined with a narrow pointed nose and continuous rocker it’s possible to make steep drops and do turns to change directions quickly.

I never felt like there was another board in my quiver that I wish I had chosen instead despite the conditions ranging from waist high to overhead and fast on the beachies. Note* If thinking to longboard in Hossegor and the waves are solid, make sure you’re able to duck dive your log! Even the small waves are pretty juicy and your board will get ripped out of your hands if you turtle roll, potentially hitting another surfer. 

The spots we surfed down south had waves that were slower, more perfect and had a good pace for surfing the board from tip to tail to really get the classic feel of the design. Such a different vibe in the water down there! All kinds of wave riding crafts: Finless, logs, fishes, surf mats, everything! And All ages represented in the lineup. 

We ended up loosing our luggage as well on the way back and dinging all our boards. Classic way to end the trip. And already planning the next one!

- Jeff